Dental - Gum Disease


Normal (healthy) gums

  • Healthy gums should look firm and pink (varies according to complexion) in colour, they do not bleed spontaneously or when brushing

  • Healthy gums sit tightly around the teeth and are not easily moved

  • They have a stippled / an orange peel appearance

  • They aren’t swollen or puffy and red

  • They are not painful



  • Gingivitis is the most common oral health problem experienced by majority of the population.

  • It is a mild form of gum disease and usually goes unnoticed as many people have it without even knowing it.



  • Gingivitis is caused mainly by plaque.

  • Plaque contains bacteria that irritate the gum. If left on your teeth without brushing for long periods, it hardens and turns into calculus (commonly known as tartar).

  • Calculus is more difficult to remove and cannot be removed by brushing alone and therefore needs a dental professional to remove it.



  • Symptoms of gingivitis include swelling of gums, pain, irritation, redness and bleeding.

  • When your gums begin to feel itchy, become swollen or red and even bleed, this may be a sign/s that you have gingivitis.


The fortunate part about gingivitis is that, if detected early , it can be reversed with proper oral care and visits to a dental professional.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it leads to a more severe type of gum disease called periodontitis.



  • When gingivitis is left untreated, it progresses and the symptoms worsen over time as the bacteria starts to attack the supporting structures of the teeth causing a condition called periodontitis.


Periodontitis is characterized by:

  • Swollen, red and bleeding gums (spontaneous bleeding)

  • Pain

  • Receding gums

  • Shifting of the teeth leading to gaps in between teeth

  • Mobile teeth due to bone loss


Periodontitis is irreversible but a professional oral treatment plan can help to limit further deterioration and damage.


NB: Gum disease may be exacerbated by habits such as smoking and having certain medical conditions such as diabetes.

If you have noticed any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, do not delay, make an appointment with a dental professional as soon as possible.

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